Non getting emails from subscriptions or notifications

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2020 | Azure DevOps Server 2019 | TFS 2018

An electronic mail is sent when an event occurs that matches a notification subscription. For more information about notification subscriptions, see the notifications overview.

Learn why you may not be receiving an expected subscription or notification email.

If you're not receiving an expected notification email, it could exist for 1 of the following reasons.

  • The e-mail server is downward, unreachable, or rejected authenticated.
  • The email was delivered to an unchecked folder
  • The subscription is disabled or opted-out
  • The event doesn't friction match the specified subscription filter conditions
  • The subscription is divers to not send emails to the initiator of an event
  • The arrangement level do not evangelize setting is impacting email delivery
  • The squad or grouping level do not deliver setting is impacting e-mail commitment
  • You're not a member of the grouping or team receiving the electronic mail
  • You're a member of an Azure Directory (Advertizing) group and the subscription contains a @Me clause
  • Y'all don't accept permission to view the event details, which are included in the email

Complete the following tasks to make up one's mind if any resolve the issue.

Cheque other electronic mail folders

Ensure the electronic mail wasn't delivered to a different email folder, including the junk folder.

Locate the subscription and ensure it's enabled

Become to your personal subscriptions and locate the subscription, which you feel should have produced an email. Learn how to admission to your personal subscriptions.

If the subscription is grayed-out in the user interface, then information technology'southward disabled. The following screenshot shows the showtime subscription enabled and the second disabled.

subscription disabled

A default subscription disables when an administrator opts out at the organization or squad level, or if you opt out in your personal subscription settings. Custom subscriptions get disabled when an administrator disables the subscription at the organization or team level, or if you disable a personal custom subscription.

Closely inspect subscription filter conditions

An email is only generated if an Azure DevOps Services event matches all of the filter conditions of the subscription. You tin can view the filter conditions past selecting the subscription link in the subscription user interface. You can view the filter weather condition fifty-fifty if you don't have permission to change them. Closely inspect all filter weather condition to see if they matched the Azure DevOps Services event.

Cheque the "Skip initiator" pick

The Skip initiator checkbox choice on a subscription causes the initiator of the Azure DevOps Services effect to be excluded from the recipient list of the generated email, while all others receive the event. For example, consider a subscription for a work item inverse issue. You can choose Skip initiator to avoid existence emailed for changes you lot brand to the work item. Learn more about excluding the initiator from notifications.

Check "Do non deliver" setting for organization

Go to the organization-level notifications page and select Settings. See how to manage notification settings. If the delivery setting is fix to Do not deliver, then all teams or groups that don't take explicit delivery settings inherit this value. This setting alone doesn't necessarily point an email isn't delivered, merely it could contribute to the problem. Adjacent, come across if a grouping or team delivery setting inherits this value and blocks delivery to your group or team.

Check "Do non deliver" setting for your squad or grouping

If the team or group defines a commitment setting for Evangelize to individual members, it's still possible the team contains other groups. The other groups take a unlike commitment setting. To learn more than about how team membership expands and how some members of the squad could receive an e-mail while others don't, see How email recipients of notifications are determined.

Cheque your configured electronic mail accost

Check if your preferred e-mail address is fix to the accost you're expecting the electronic mail, which is a user profile setting. Hover over your profile to view your preferred electronic mail address. Acquire how to view the configured email address..

Is this a team subscription, which contains a "@Me" filter clause?

If a team or grouping subscription has an @Me filter clause and the target email recipients are in an Advert grouping, no members of the Advertizement group match the filter clause. AD groups aren't expanded for filter matching.

Practice y'all have permission to see the event artifact?

Recipients who don't take permission to view the artifact, don't receive an electronic mail, which contains event artifact information, such as a work item. The but fashion to know if an email was filtered is to view notification delivery logs. Larn more most enabling and retrieving subscription and commitment logging.

Known issue

If a subscription was created or concluding modified by a user who lost permissions to the project, then the notifications for that subscription won't be delivered and will exist filtered silently.

If you're non able to resolve the issue with the previous steps, consider contacting customer back up